Prisma Takaful

For a responsible spouse and parent, nothing is more important than family. With Prisma Takaful, you can further provide worry-free coverage for your family’s future security alongside your existing savings. All it requires is an affordable contribution of RM50 per month to ensure your family is taken care of.

Benefits you will receive:

Takaful Coverage
A lump sum of the basic sum covered plus accumulated surplus (if any) will be paid in the event of death, or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD).

Enhance your Coverage
You have the flexibility to boost your coverage with the following riders that can be attached to your basic cover:
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefits Rider
  • Critical Illness Rider
  • Waiver of Contribution for Critical Illness Rider
  • Accidental Indemnity Rider
  • Hospital Cash Benefits Rider
  • Medical Plus
  • Waiver of Contribution for Critical Illness Rider (Payor)

Help & Support

Find out what is covered under Term Insurance & Takaful

List of Rider

  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit Rider
  • Critical Illness Rider
  • Waiver of Contribution for Critical Illness Rider
  • Accidental Indemnity Rider
  • Hospital Cash Benefit Rider
  • Medical Plus

  • Waiver of Contribution for Critical Illness Rider (Payor)


  • Person Covered
    Aged between 14 days to 60 years
  • Participant
    Aged a minimum of 19 years, with no maximum age

Contact us and receive a FREE consultation today.

Prisma Takaful Downloads

Underwritten by Etiqa Family Takaful Berhad (199301011506)
(Licensed under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia)
